Overcoming Urban Challenges

Overcoming Urban Challenges

In today’s world, cities rely increasingly on vast amounts of data to manage and enhance urban living. From traffic management and public safety to environmental monitoring and energy consumption, data forms the backbone of modern urban infrastructure. However, this dependency on data also presents significant challenges. For companies like Thinkz, addressing these challenges is crucial for successfully implementing smart city solutions.

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Thinkz IoT Solutions Makes Waves at Urban Future Event

Jun 28, 2023

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The recent Urban Future event proved to be a thrilling and enriching experience for us at Thinkz, one of the pioneering IoT startups in the field. Our interaction with key players in urban development and mobility gave us valuable insights and an opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge solutions. We were proud to be a part of two major highlights during the event.

2nd position at the URBAN SHARK TANK

Pitching innovative urban projects to a replicability panel (sharks)

We had the privilege of participating in the Shark Tank, organized by Bable facilitator for Smart cities and animates by Alexander Schmidt CEO & Founder of BABLE Smart Cities | Germany. This allowed us to pitch our innovative urban project in front of a prestigious panel. The panelists included Susa Eräranta, Project Director of the City of Helsinki; Åsa Bjering, Innovation Programme Manager at the City of Helsingborg; and Ernesto Faubel-Cubells, Head of Smart City Office at the Municipality of Valencia. They recognized our potential in contributing to smart city solutions, awarding us the second place. This recognition further fuels our commitment towards promoting sustainable and technology-oriented urban development.

BABLE Smart Cities Podcast episode 37

Real-Time information in action

The second highlight was our involvement in the BABLE Smart Cities Podcast episode. Our Director of Business Development, Moshe Gazit, had the chance to discuss the application of IoT in urban planning, the essence of real-time presence in cities, and the environmental implications of IoT deployment. It was a comprehensive and enriching discussion that shed light on the significant role of IoT in transforming urban spaces.

Listen to the Podcast

One of our flagship solutions is the Real-Time City Map. This advanced tool provides citizens with real-time information on various services like EV charging stations, parking spaces, micro-mobility services, and air quality indicators. By empowering citizens with live data, we are bringing a new level of transparency and accessibility to urban life.

Join Thinkz & Bable Real-Time City Map IoT service Contest!

During the Urban Future event, we were thrilled to announce a joint contest with Bable, giving cities and regions the opportunity to win a free Real-Time City Map. This initiative underlines our vision of making technology accessible to everyone and promoting the growth of smart cities across the globe.

Remember, there are just a few days left to participate in our joint contest with Bable for a chance to win a real-time map of one of your city’s IoT services! Winners will be announced on July 10 2023.

Join Thinkz & Bable Real-Time City Map IoT service Contest! To participate, click bellow Good Luck🗓️🏆🌐

At Thinkz, we’re passionate about harnessing the power of IoT to revolutionize urban spaces. We firmly believe in the potential of real-time data to enhance urban living and promote sustainable and efficient cities. Our participation in the Urban Future event has further reinforced our position as thought leaders in the realm of IoT for urban development.

Our journey so far is a testament to the transformative potential of IoT in shaping the future of urban spaces. By enabling real-time data and insights, we at Thinkz are helping cities and their citizen create sustainable, efficient, and enjoyable urban environments. As we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible with IoT, we are more excited than ever for the future of urban living.

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